Andrew Lilico

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Dr. Andrew Lilico is an economist and the Executive Director of Europe Economics, a financial consulting company advising on “economic regulation, competition policy and the application of economics to public and business policy issues”.1


Lilico has featured on the blog sections of British newspapers The Telegraph and The Guardian. Between December 2008 and September 2013, Lilico had nine opinion pieces published in The Guardian’s Comment is Free section. The majority of these pieces were first published on the Conservative Home website, a purportedly grassroots website of Conservatives “independent but supportive of” The Conservative Party.2
Lilico’s Guardian profile, describes him as:

“One of Europe’s top experts on the economic impact of financial regulation, he led the teams doing the European Parliament’s assessment of the impact of the Financial Services Action Plan, the European Commission’s assessment of the costs of complying with financial regulation, and the FSA’s assessment of the benefits of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. He is a member of the IEA/Sunday Times Shadow Monetary Policy Committee and a regular commentator on economic issues on BBC television and radio, and on Sky, Bloomberg and CNBC Europe.”2

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

Research Funded by Japan Tobacco International

From 2008 to 2012, Lilico wrote four reports for Japan Tobacco International (JTI) which cautioned against introducing a tobacco display ban and tobacco plain packaging. Each report contained a disclosure statement which acknowledged JTI’s commission. The reports included:

Image 1: Screengrab of Andrew Lilico Biography in JTI’s Response to the UK Consultation

Lobbying Against Regulation: JTI Cited Lilico’s Work

In its submission to the 2012 consultation on the introduction of plain packaging, JTI referred to Lilico’s expertise and work extensively, forming the basis of the company’s arguments of the impacts on competition. 4
JTI failed to disclose that it had funded Lilico’s research, although URLs given to access Lilico’s reports linked to JTI’s website (see image 1).
JTI’s submission to the 2014 consultation on plain packaging reiterated Lilico’s argument that plain packaging would have ‘significant negative competition effects in the UK’, yet cited him less frequently, and acknowledged that Lilico’s studies had been “at the request of JTI”.5


Institute of Economic Affairs

Lilico is a Fellow and Member of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), a British right-wing think tank.6 The IEA has a history of working with tobacco companies and has received funding from the tobacco industry. As mentioned above, Lilico is a member of the IEA/Sunday Times Shadow Monetary Policy Committee.

TobaccoTactics Resources

TCRG Research

  • Ulucanlar, S., Fooks, G. J., Hatchard, J. L. and Gilmore, A. B., 2014. Representation and misrepresentation of scientific evidence in contemporary tobacco regulation: a review of tobacco industry submissions to the UK government consultation on standardised packaging. PLoS Medicine, 11 (3), e1001629.
  • Hatchard, J. L., Fooks, G. J., Evans-Reeves, K. A., Ulucanlar, S. and Gilmore, A. B., 2014. A critical evaluation of the volume, relevance and quality of evidence submitted by the tobacco industry to oppose standardised packaging of tobacco products. BMJ Open, 4 (2), e003757.
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  1. Europe Economics, About Us, undated, accessed July 2017
  2. abAndrew Lilico Profile, The Guardian, undated, accessed June 2017
  3. A. Lilico, Economic Analysis of a Plain Packs Requirement in the UK, 29 June 2012, accessed July 2017
  4. Japan Tobacco International, to the Department of Health’s Consultation on the Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products, 3 July 2012, accessed July 2017
  5. Japan Tobacco International, JTI’s response to the UK Department of Health’s consultation on the introduction of regulations for standardised packaging of tobacco products, 6 August 2014, accessed July 2017
  6. Institute of Economic Affairs, Dr Andrew Lilico 8 October 2014, accessed July 2017